Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What I ate so far

Okay here we go on what I eat. I will have to add to this by the end of the night.
one piece of toast with butter and strawberry jelly
one cup of tea with far less sugar than it needed lol

pot roast the size of a credit card
one potato w/butter ( no sour cream)
1/2 a carrot
12 oz of sweet tea

That is it so far. I need to work on water now.

OK here is the rest of the day.
A salad with blue cheese dressing
two chicken wings
hand full of cheerios when the kids had snack. They had iceies. I ate the tops after I cut them open. The peach was good.
I have not had time for water just yet. Not a good excuse is it?

We did go swimming for 30 minutes. Tomorrow will be better.
Thanks for reading.


Colette said...

Go for it Lisa! That's a step in the right direction. I've thought about logging my diet as well, but am also afraid to fail. I found a verse that I pray for myself ALOT..."for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of strength, love and SELF DISCIPLINE." (2 Tim 1:7)It's not all up to you--you have help.

Amanda said...

Good luck Lisa!!! Wityh hard work and a little determination you can do anything.