Friday, March 28, 2008

one month

Hubby has been limited on movement now for one month. I have to tell you, it's been slow for both of us. He is now getting out and going to the Gym and that has helped out at lot. He said that daytime TV has been rotting his brain. I can believe that because I have been there. I now however limit my daytime TV to cartoons. That is a whole not her type of wasting a way, depending on if it's Sponge Bob or PBS.
I love PBS except for Cyo. However that is spelled. The kids love him but I think it just promotes whining. That cartoon is like figure nails on a chalkboard. I would rather not watch Barney either. I do like Big Wide World. I miss the show about brothers that travel the world showing kids animals. I really liked them. One of the brothers is on Johnny and the Sprites, I think.
Hubby was watching a show like Judge Judy. I was shocked. I walked back in the room to check this out and he was watching Mike. The body guard that left The Maury Show. He was really into it too. That was the day he said I have to get out of this room.
He started driving that afternoon. I don't know how he does it either. I am glad he is driving. It has made a difference in his mood! He has also started rehabilitation. I thought it would be rather painful. He said it is really easy. He does a lot of it in the house about four times a day. I know he is trying to get back to work as soon as he can.
The girls like having him home. Mean One takes her naps with him each afternoon. Cuddle Bug has him take her to and from preschool. I am not sure what Otter likes about it. She has not said all that much about it. She is playing the piano more now.

I went out with the girls last night. I really enjoyed getting out of the house. We had dinner and just sat around about talked. I think I have to start doing that more often. I am also going to join a book club. I am so looking forward to that!
Things are looking up.

Monday, March 10, 2008

pray for us please

You will not believe this but, I am asking you to pray for my family. On Sunday hubby went skiing with his uncles. It was his 1st time. Well he had a great time until the last hour. He fell and ruptured his patella tendon. He will be out of work for three months and it will be painful. We are under a large amount of stress. I thought I would tell everything about it on here. I am so not ready to do that. I don't even want to think about it lol.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

it comes in 3s

Okay this all did not happen to me...but I keep hearing about accidents happening to others.
Please pray for Darrel H. He tipped over his work vehicle and broke his ribs. Once again an angel was with him. One more rib broke and well....
Please pray for Theron's aunt and uncle. Their son died of a drug overdose. He was 25, to young. Please pray for my grandfather's home health care worker. Her father died on cancer. It was very fast and the family is in shock.
Please pray for Shelly who was also in a car crash in Sept 10th. There was injury to her brain. Her husband needs some lifting up too.