Sunday, February 17, 2008

It was almost TO short!!

I was coming home from groucery shopping. I was 45 minutes away from home. The car was full of bags. I was thinink about how I needed to get home and not the weather. I set the cruise. This was not a good thing.
I hit ice and lost contral of the mini van. It rolled. I knew right away I had a bump on my head, and an inguiry to my back/left side. I called 911 from the car and tryed to explain where I was. I did not do that well either. I thought I was talking clearly but I was not. I don't know if I was in shock but I had to be close. The 911 operator called hubby so I could tell him what was going on. I was worried becuase I knew he had to work. I keep telling him to call a friend to take the kids until I got home.
He called in a family emergancy and stayed with me. That helped out so much. I can tell you I was in a lot of pain. (It was not as much as when Mean One was born. Keep in mind I had a c-section and the meds did not work for 10 hours) People keep telling me the pain will get worse. That the next three days will be increaseingly painful. I am sore but not in"pain". Monday will be three days. We will see.
I was taken by ambulance back to the town I had come from. Hubby showed up while I was getting X-rays. I had no interal inguries. I got to go home to a few very worried little girls. I guess cuddle bug cryed and keep saying "I love my mommy".
I am blessed that nothing was really wrong with me.
I am doing a lot of thinking about how this could have turned out. I am going to lose the wight I have gained in the last 13 years. I don't want the girls to say my mom was always a little on the heavey side. I want them to see me fit.


DJ and Jill said...

Oh my goodness, Lisa! I am so glad that you are okay. That must have been so scary. Praise God that you are home and didn't have to stay in the hospital.

Anonymous said...

thankfully you are okay! be careful! and remember: Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly!

Joy said...

Oh my goodness Lisa I'm so sorry this happened but so glad you're okay!!! God is good!