Sunday, February 22, 2009

Baby story

Okay here we go again. I think I am going to change the name of the blog to things my youngest child does I can use against her when she has kids.......

What do you think?

Well here is the new story.
Hubby and I were in the basement watching TV. Baby was "asleep" and we thought safe. Well Cuddle Bug runs down to us. "mom dad you have to see what she did now". I looked at him and he looked at me. The question going on in our eyes was which one of us was going upstairs. She came down COVERED from elbow to finger tip in peanut butter.
It was gross.
But it got worse....
Hubby had to clean her up because I had to clean the mess upstairs. He called the DOG over to LICK her clean!!!!!!! MEN. I gave him heck over that and he laughed as the dog licked every bit of the child. The children all of them thought it was just as funny as hubby.
He did put her in the tub after Rocky was done or full, whichever it was.

When I went upstairs I found no peanut butter. I guessed the dog was going to have trouble doing his job outside. That was a lot of peanut butter. A few hours later I found the Pampered Chef wire whisk. Yep that was what she played with in the peanut butter. It was behind the toasted in the cabinet. Do you think she knew it was wrong?

I don't think the dog has pooped yet. It has been three days.............anyone know a good Vet? Please email if I need to correct anything. I am afraid to spend to much time away from her. The toilet in the basement has plastic fruit in it. I think it is the grapes. Hubby said he will fix that today.

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