Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Well, it looks like the girls and hubby got sick again. I had a party for Upper Case Living and his God Son went to his 1st prom. We stayed with his sister and the girls started throwing up in the middle of the night. It was crazy. I have not checked to see if her children have gotten sick yet. I hope not!
I am hoping to get a digital camera for my birthday this year. I want to start adding pictures to this blog. Hubby has one but I don't want to use it. I want my own. lol. Also this birthday is a mild stone birthday. I am not really looking forward to it. I can even remember when my mom was this age. Yes, that is right I have not stated the number.

By the way who is reading this? Please let me know. Thanks

1 comment:

DJ and Jill said...

i check your blog every time I am on the internet. Which is basically everday!!!:)