I made it private so it can't be viewed by just anyone. I sent an email, but you must have not gotten it. I'll invite you then you shouldn't have a problem.
Hi I am a stay at home mom. I love being with my girls. Otter is 7. Cuddle Bug is 4. Meaness is going to be 1 in Feb. My baby is no longer a baby. I have been married for 12 years. My husband is in law enforcement. I am so proud of him. I went to school to be a high school teacher. When the girls are a little older, I will go back. Right now they are my life. Before all of that there is God! He has blessed me in so many ways. I will never be able to count them.
I made it private so it can't be viewed by just anyone. I sent an email, but you must have not gotten it. I'll invite you then you shouldn't have a problem.
Oh, and Lizzie is our dog.:)
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