Saturday, May 23, 2009

Diet and ST Martin!!!!

Okay you all...I need you. I believe there are two people who read this thing. (I secretly hope there is more) I have a great opportunity to go to St. Martin in October. I have a great friend named Sarah who has a house in ST. Martin. We are going down there for a few days.
I have to lose 30lbs. I have been wanting to lose weight but I find it very hard. I have been making excuses for years why I can't. Here are a few: I don't have the time. It is hard to get to the gym with 3 kids. I don't have the close to work out in. I don't know what to do when I workout. I don't like to workout.

The biggest one is I am afraid to fail.

But now I have a big reason....St Martin!!!!! I am so looking forward to a few days without anyone to help or make happy but me! So I need the support in losing the weight I have packed on.
I will be posting what my weight on line. Oh my gosh...I did say that didn't I? Yes I am now admitting my weight and how I do getting it off. I am starting this journey at 201. Tony reads this once and a while. I know he is freaking out right now too. Today I weigh 198. I have to lose 6lbs a month to make it to St. Martin.
Give me a shot out if you want to help me.

Photo of St. Maarten/St. Martin, Caribbean


DJ and Jill said...

You'll make it! Putting it online with be a big motivator! I should do the same. I've thought about, but never done it. I'm not too far below your number myself!

DJ and Jill said...

will be a big motivator, I mean!!